Archive for the 'Joe' Category

Thanks, John

Friday, March 5th, 2010

What can happen in a decade?

Sunday, January 17th, 2010

I face a new decade. I face a new series of ages in which I start with a 6 in the tens’ place. When I think about the “oughts” I realized that between the year 2000 and now: ***I fell in love for the first time since Wayne died. ***I got married. ***I became a […]

Christmas Post #5 2009

Tuesday, December 22nd, 2009

How can it be five years? I still feel him here, in his house. I still find notes written in pencil on the walls reminding himself of his ever creative ideas. Sometimes, I even think I sense his scent. joe.rtf

Poetry Project–Day 2

Thursday, September 3rd, 2009

80th Birthday We sat, tables put end to end In the old tavern, namesaked After the pioneer, and Full of spoon bread, and stories Of my mother’s wonderfulness, we Relaxed in the company of kin. My husband was gone, his death Arriving a tad before Christmas, and Nightmare traces still, even in Daylight were my […]


Tuesday, March 10th, 2009

Today the great flood happened inside Kelley Ridge. It was just your birthday, Joe, and I was thinking about you, missing you, and feeling so smug about taking care of your house during the ice storm. Then I left for a night, the pipes froze in the Hobbit Hole, and I returnedto 24 hours worth […]

Fire and Ice

Wednesday, February 11th, 2009

The thing about being without electricity at Kelley Ridge was that I was thankful–thankful that I was trapped there and not somewhere else. Being there, I could burn wood and keep the house warm. This kept my pipes from freezing. Having experienced a burst pipe and a flood coming from my second floor all the […]

Labor Day Weekend

Wednesday, September 3rd, 2008

I came to the Valley on Friday night, and Mombo and I watched WE ARE MARSHALL together. Then on Saturday we went on a Lexington excursion. We made a stop at Kohl’s for a bathmat, but Mom found three nice tops on clearance, so now she has some new things to wear to church. Next […]

Noble and Great of Heart

Monday, August 25th, 2008

He was never mine, but he took care of me as if I were his. He talked. He smiled. Sometimes Joe looked at me out of his eyes. Today Joe said, “You wanna come? You can come! Come on, Buddy…” and he went.

I was wondering where he was. . .

Monday, August 25th, 2008

Looking for Joe Wood? Listen to this! The Business Outside The Denver Convention by Jeff Brady Listen Now [3 min 38 sec] Morning Edition, August 25, 2008 · Organizers of the Democratic National Convention in Denver say it will pump as much as $160 million into the local economy. Experts say the total will be […]

Happy Birthday, Daddy. I miss you.

Thursday, April 17th, 2008

Over the weekend I took two long walks. The first, on Saturday, was at dusk. I tried to walk my Kelley Ridge property line to the west of the lane coming back to the house. This is the only time of year to do it. I so wish I had the ability to clean up […]