Blogs Are Going Strong

Whoa! I just read the family blogs. I guess I’d better get going. I’ve been lazy about my blog responsibilities!! Blogs are very important if you are a mother, and your children are living all over the world. If they like reading my blog even one tenth as much as I do theirs, I should write. So here is my big news today. I had to spend an hour on the floor of the girls’ restroom at Calvary School because of a tornado warning. It wasn’t pretty. But that’s where they say it’s the safest. The sky was black, and the rain was coming sideways. We were all fine, and as far as I know, nothing touched down. But here’s the kicker (close moment)–we had five students in there with us because it was after school and they had stayed for STLP (Student Technology Leadership Project). A few left because their parents came and decided to drive them through the tornado (uh, duh…), and the fifth grade boys who were left were scared, even though fifth grade boys are NOT supposed to be scared. The counselor was telling them that they were in the safest place in the building and not to be worried when Curt said, “Guys, I think we should pray. In the name of the Father . . . . ” They said a “Hail Mary” and an “Act of Contrition.” I was amazed that, number one, they would pray together, and number two that they knew their act of contrition! They don’t go to a “Catholic” school, but they are “Catholic” in their school. Impressive witness to their old library teacher.

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