Seth is Confirmed without Vomitting

I got up early today and spend time doing menial chores at Kelley Ridge before driving to the Valley to join Mombo and the Greystone bunch on Ms. Susan Toad’s Wild Ride to Campbellsville. We made it in time to witness Bub sponsoring Deutsch as Aiden in his Confirmation in the Faith, even though he (Seth) almost threw up on Grammo’s head on the way and was in pain from his recent wisdom tooth removal. The latter lead to a story in the van about her (Grammo’s) trip to Chicago with Leo Gels and upchucking on the fancy woman passenger’s fancy hat. It’s one for the Mombo Blog. It was inspiring to see Glenda, Bertha, and Millard sponsor other Sacred Heart Harris kids–it’s a real community. We also got to touch base with Jerome and Janet before they wento off to their adoption picninc in Danville. When we got back to the Valley, Mombo and I made flower arrangements for the graves, visited with Jerusha and heard about the boys’ nature adventures, and talked to Fron about health insurance recommendations. Some good Progresso soup and a sandwich, filling out employment forms, discussion with Peat about ALIAS and 24, and borrowing a Jodie Foster video from Jay and Glenda rounded out the day. Life in the Valley is good.

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