Contemplation Ajar ~ details

“It’s the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen.”
— John Wooden

One of my favorite things to do with an image of a collage is to explore alternative compositions by cropping. We can never stop training the eye. Visual ingredients are always elements in context and their character can change with different design relationships. The more we do this, the more a sense of balance and spatial harmony are internalized. As a bonus, any ideas that emerge can become the basis for new investigations.

square crop ~ detail from Contemplation Ajar ~ John Andrew Dixon ~ The Collage Miniaturist


square crop ~ detail from Contemplation Ajar ~ John Andrew Dixon ~ The Collage Miniaturist


square crop ~ detail from Contemplation Ajar ~ John Andrew Dixon ~ The Collage Miniaturist


square crop ~ detail from Contemplation Ajar ~ John Andrew Dixon ~ The Collage Miniaturist

four squares from Contemplation Ajar
collage on structured panel by J A Dixon
collection of J Wood

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