Archive for March, 2025

Thursday, March 20th, 2025

“Those who can afford the best technologies in AI merging will earn their entrance into the more elite castes. To deny yourself or your children this, is to not only deny their future, but their children’s future, and so on and so on. In fact, this new system will look a great deal like the old system where bloodlines were relegated to a life of serfdom or aristocracy based on ‘the blood’ you were born with, or rather… enhanced with.”

Cynthia Chung

Saturday, March 8th, 2025

“For the western world the pendulum swings from left to right, but noticeably more and more to the left and less and less to the right over time. Some call this the ‘Overton Window.’ In other words, conservative or traditionalist ideas and values that were acceptable 20 years ago are slowly and incrementally suffocated by artificial social and legal pressures until they’re no longer present in the next generation. The woke ideas and values the establishment wants the public to adopt are promoted widely, but this requires extensive monetary backing. Social engineering campaigns are expensive and take many years to achieve results. With the revelations surrounding USAID (and at least a dozen other institutions), it appears that the agency was a key driver behind the rapid spread of DEI into every corner of our nation, not to mention many other nations. They were the organization that encouraged school officials and teachers to indoctrinate children with woke ethics and transgender politics, and they also actively encouraged teachers to hide these activities from parents.”

Brandon Smith

View my collage landscape galleries —

Thursday, March 6th, 2025

Recent Landscapes

As I continue to focus
on “painting in papers”


Also available as
premium giclée prints

A Change of Seen

When I first took paper
and paste outside


Tuesday, March 4th, 2025
“Zelensky made it clear during his disastrous visit to the White House last Friday that he’s dead-set on fighting until the last Ukrainian, unless his country either gets NATO membership or Western troops. Neither of those demands is acceptable to Trump since they’d risk World War III, but so too could that risk continue rising if the conflict doesn’t soon end. Trump therefore realized that the only way to force Zelensky to the peace table with Putin is to freeze all military aid until he moderates his extreme stance.”

Andrew Korybko