Archive for March, 2022

March Ex(clusion) — ninth day

Wednesday, March 9th, 2022

“Synthesis demands regard for complexity.”
– Peter Gay

I began the day with the delivery of Cummins Ferry Falls to Lin B, who, with his purchase, had helped “save” the opening night for CHANGE OF SEEN (along with the delightful appearance of Janice and Matt!). I got to see Lin’s acquisition from Asia — a maximalist mixed-media interpretation of the “Smoky Mountain” trash heap in the Philippines. As one of the only representational collage originals that I’ve ever seen, I found it inspiring. There is still so much for me to learn as a paper artist.

Today’s sight bite— The collage-with-gouache masterpiece, —c-l-i-c-k— impressive in scale, imagination, and fluency — the Manila-based artist unknown to my hospitable friend.

March Ex(clusion) — eighth day

Tuesday, March 8th, 2022

“Better to be alone than poorly accompanied.”
— Gad Saad

If the sole criteria are the metrics of my peculiar exercise, this could be not inappropriately described as a nearly perfect March day. Indoor and outdoor activity, creative studio time balanced by practical home improvements, and plenty of fitness items duly noted on the traditional handmade checklist. Nevertheless, the undercurrent of grief from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is ever present. There is no single perspective that I can adopt, and it is almost beyond my capacities to forge a personal viewpoint that is not overly influenced by the agenda of some ideological bloc. But that won’t stop me from trying.

Today’s sight bite— Sky the shade of an old aluminum pot, —c-l-i-c-k— with the blurred sun like a cool white dwarf, hung all by itself on a curtain of gun nickel.

March Ex(clusion) — seventh day

Monday, March 7th, 2022

“How sad in our blinkered arrogance that we go across the globe to the tribal Third World to teach the impoverished a supposedly preferable culture and politics, while at home we are doing our best to become a Third-World country of incompetency, constitutional erosion, a fractious and politicized military elite, and racially and ethnically obsessed warring tribes.”
– Victor David Hanson

The last thing I would think is that Ukraine or any other part of the world does not have the rightful destiny of self-determination. As far as I’m concerned, it’s a self-evident truth. But that’s a far cry from jumping into immature, self-righteous posturing or following the drumbeats that would move us toward another proxy war. I happen to be keen on the benefits of Western Civilization, and I won’t apologize for it, nor deny that its finest fruit is American Exceptionalism. But that’s also a far cry from endorsing the ulterior motives of the ruling elites, and how they use secrecy, lies, and propaganda to perpetuate their relentless exploitation and lust for control.

Today’s sight bite— A full conference table of plein air artists, —c-l-i-c-k— the overwhelming majority of whom decided not to wear a face mask.

March Ex(clusion) — sixth day

Sunday, March 6th, 2022

“Thank God there’s no justice in this world.”
— Tim Considine, on the undeserved richness of his career

Nearly anything that promises forward progress requires a period of rest, and this is clearly a recovery day. Got a few things done outside before the rain blew in. Chipping away at a new miniature keeps an element of intuition in play, but no major advancements have taken place in the studio so far this month. Dana and I cleaned the living space and the corresponding boost in “vibration” is always a welcome result. A wave of well-being marks another Sunday here at the Town House, and I’m feeling especially thankful.

Today’s sight bite— Bricks and broken rubble strewn along a flat ditch, —c-l-i-c-k— as my project to extend a paved walkway out to the birdbath resumes for 2022.

March Ex(clusion) — fifth day

Saturday, March 5th, 2022

“Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty.”
– Henry David Thoreau

Feeling a little sluggish this morning, having Ex(ceeded) my portion of coffee during our trip to Lexington yesterday. Then I drank from the can of KNOWLEDGE when we got home, which seemed like a good idea at the time, but, in retrospect, was clearly an unnecessary Ex(ception) to the Ex(clusion). Back to square one on day five. Today we’ll travel to the farm for Hall painting, garden planting, cemetery pruning, water hauling, and Marty “hangin.”

Today’s sight bite— The Blue Bank Hall, partially clad in its new metal protection, —c-l-i-c-k— as it prepares to make a “newenday” statement to reinforce our evolving farm identity.

March Ex(clusion) — fourth day

Friday, March 4th, 2022

“Many called former U.S. president Barack Obama the ‘greatest gun salesman in America’ due to his support of strict gun control measures. Similarly, I believe Justin Trudeau will be remembered as the greatest Bitcoin salesman in Canadian history.”
– Frank Holmes

I don’t know what I’d be thinking today, with the dismantling of my CHANGE OF SEEN exhibition, if much of the artwork was not on its way to a new venue, thanks to Kate S of Arts Connect. My first all-collage landscape show is over, and I have much more for which to be grateful than any justification for critique. Beyond multiple deficiencies in the venue, I am enormously thankful to have been offered entrée to the Lexington art scene. Meanwhile, the war against Ukraine continues, with no ceasefire on the horizon. Yes, he is “Vladimir the Terrible,” but that is no reason to escalate a conflict that could bring catastrophic harm to the American people, far out of proportion to our interests in Eurasia. Too many are needlessly playing with a fire that could burn millions. Shouldn’t our leaders be brokering a peace, instead of throwing around gasoline?

Today’s sight bite— Driving along Clays Mill to check out my favorite chinkapin oak, —c-l-i-c-k— as grand a spectacle in the nude as he is with a full set of leafy clothes.

March Ex(clusion) — third day

Thursday, March 3rd, 2022

“A man is never such an egoist as at moments of spiritual exaltation, when it seems to him that there is nothing in the world more splendid and fascinating than himself.”
– Leo Tolstoy, The Cossacks

Last night’s documentary provides a burst of self assurance for today’s outlook. I decided to create a miniature for the local Tiny Art fundraiser — a “prime-the-pumper” that fits my current momentum in the studio, with no lasting significance intended. On the other hand, after having seen my show in Lexington, Danny handed a copy of The Cloud of Unknowing to me, out the window of his truck. “This is going to sound over the top, but it’s just the way it is,” he said, a whiff of diesel exhaust hanging in the unseasonably warm air. “I’m loaning this book to you for ten years.” Something suggests that it may be one of the most important things to happen during this interval of my life.

Today’s sight bite— Luminous, high-altitude popcorn clouds sailing above vessels of deep purple-gray, —c-l-i-c-k— as Apollo’s blazing chariot plunges beyond the edge of the world.

March Ex(clusion) — second day

Thursday, March 3rd, 2022

“After witnessing the extreme bias of mainstream media in covering the Canadian convoy over the past month, Children’s Health Defense decided to step in to offer people a truthful accounting of the progress of The People’s Convoy here in the United States.”
– Mary Holland

This entire annual winter project started as a time-oriented experiment, and I mustn’t forget that, nor the importance of the clock in boosting diligence. Circumstances cannot be the only driver. I made more progress on the backyard path. Not sure why that effort has taken an early front seat, but the mild weather is an undeniable catalyst. It’s good to have a daily reminder of concrete accomplishment, like last year’s miniature-each-day ritual. The evening closed with the Wayne White profile, Beauty is Embarrassing. His story makes me feel a bit lazy and unimaginative. Just the prompt I need to pick up the pace tomorrow!

Today’s sight bite— An obstreperous crow on the library window ledge, —c-l-i-c-k— validating or rebuking my belief in the augury of birds.

March Ex(clusion) — first day

Tuesday, March 1st, 2022

“Socrates rejected expediency, and the necessity for manipulation that accompanied it. He chose instead, under the direst of conditions, to maintain his pursuit of the meaningful and the true. Twenty-five hundred years later, we remember his decision and take comfort from it.”
– Jordan B Peterson

On the eve of another 31-day ritual that I’ve come to anticipate as the month of March, I had one of my deep conversations with Danny that ranged from Socrates to creativity to monasticism to Ukraine. With this go round, I look to exclude as well as include, day by day, and to allow for a dynamic metamorphosis of its own making. I want my process to evolve organically this time in contrast to a more deliberate agenda. The first thing to exclude is inactivity. To organize, dig, and walk. I cannot define what this regimen is meant to become until it unfolds. And so, it has begun. Let it take shape!

Today’s sight bite— Two doves on a power line, —c-l-i-c-k— golden-pink breasts glowing with the final light of a sun no longer visible to others below their urban tightrope.