Archive for the ‘Public Service’ Category

Trusting my inner nerd

Wednesday, March 15th, 2006

March experiment—day fourteen— Up before the alarm, with my mind too full of typography to postpone the opening ritual. Did I really think I could write and design a point-of-purchase promotion for “Share the Road” and circulate it among the Commissioners before 9 am? Not really. Didn’t think. Just set to work, to short-circuit the doubt.

To just begin, and trust the habit of creation.

“Finished is better than perfect.” Spoken inside without fear, these words from Gene Johnson—who may have swiped them—can be a certain kind of victory for me today.

Tonight’s Kirov concert was a lesson in contrasts. Tchaikovsky’s D major Violin Concerto with Mikhail Simonyan, followed by the Shostakovich 10th. Who wouldn’t find delight in the former? But, if you appreciate a brand of music decidedly in the “spooky” vein, you might prefer the latter.

Today’s sight bite— A carpet of emerald clippings under a sculpted yew—c-l-i-c-k—and the rusted tines of a familiar rake.

Tomorrow— Halfway through the experiment, it’s time to ratchet up my focus in the studio, and to lead a strategic discussion with local cyclists later in the day…

The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Ned

Wednesday, March 8th, 2006

March experiment—day seven— Wrote a letter to the editor on bike-ped issues before 7 am, and then spent 30 minutes on the spinning bike before lifting weights. I felt like I was in the groove when I hit the studio on schedule after breakfast. Finished my part of the Forever Spring Farm revisions by afternoon, but my energy level began to slide downhill from there. Bizarre correspondence from a Kentucky Farm Bureau adjuster didn’t help matters. Developing the kind of 17-hour stamina I’m shooting for is going to take some time, but I didn’t expect that I could build it in a week.

Today’s sight bite— The bleak array of mobile homes behind the 10th Planet—c-l-i-c-k—thoroughly washed of color under the grim overcast sky.

Tomorrow— Paperwork for the “graybeard prospector” until a midday attempt at a 450-yard PR…

It’s all leading somewhere

Monday, January 2nd, 2006

It’s interesting how one simple act—in this case, my appointment to the Bicycle Commission—can trigger a chain reaction of unexpected developments. Less than a year ago I wouldn’t have expected to become so interested in subjects like the simultaneous crises of aging baby boomers and obese children, transportation enhancement issues, and regional planning, and now I’ve just discovered the sober but potentially controversial analysis of Robert Bruegmann. Does any of this have to do with bicycles?

It most certainly does…

Only love is real

Thursday, December 29th, 2005

Days of mixed emotions as the year draws to a close…

I’m really excited about the wise, practical advice I’m getting from Twyla Tharp’s “The Creative Habit,” the best book on creativity I’ve ever discovered. Anyone who is remotely artistic or has even a modest hope of harnessing their creative abilities should read this book. I wish I’d read it 30 years ago—a silly thought, since she wrote it in 2003. That she’s been able to synthesize from her life experience such a down-to-earth approach is another form of genius beyond her greatness as a dancer/choreographer. Her counsel is so effective that I’m already getting noticeable results, and I’m only half way through the book.

In a previous entry I mentioned Paula, the state employee who was coordinating the KBBC when I joined the Commission at the end of the summer. I learned today that the cancer has advanced to the final stage and her family was gathering nearby to keep the vigil. My one long talk with Paula took place on what might have been the most exhilarating day of the year for me. She was very nice and very professional, believing she was making a routine follow-up call to introduce herself and offer her help within the Transportation Cabinet. I was totally lost, and it became clear soon enough that I wasn’t yet aware of the Governor’s appointment. We ended up having an amusing conversation after we put the awkward moment of embarrassment behind us. I looked forward to getting to know her and hardly imagined never speaking to her again. I don’t need to go into the memories from a year ago that this news brings to the surface. I just hate to be reminded that another family is facing a new year with the same tide of overwhelming sadness.

With the observance of her 15th birthday, my niece Hayley is on the brink of success as an athlete. She’s put in some hard work as a youngster, but is now poised to commence her career as an outstanding high school ballplayer. I watched her carry her team to a two-point tournament game victory yesterday as a freshman, and I can vividly see the potential, although I’m not knowledgeable enough to analyze her situation in detail. I’ll leave that to others. I just know how happy I am for her and how much I wish her well. A relaxed self-confidence is beginning to blossom, plus the capacity to turn on “the means,” when necessary. A good combination that will improve with more playing time, which she’s certain to get after a performance like her 14-point, 9-rebound effort last night. You got it, Belle— go tear ’em up tonight!

Bruce has improved enough for probable release by the weekend. He’s still experiencing enough dramatic flux in his body temperature, blood pressure, and pulse rate to keep everyone on edge about his prognosis for 2006. It took our friend Nathan two years to recover some level of normalcy in his bout with pancreatitis, presumably a worse case than Bruce’s, and that included multiple surgeries. This gives me reason to have the long-term outlook for a positive outcome, to resist the tendency to fret about the periodic fluctuations, and to recognize that the Father has a purpose for this man that none of us can begin to imagine. It will just take time. Lots of it.

So… I’m juggling joy, sadness, hope, and fear right now, but behind that veneer of emotional energy is a core of Divine Love. I’m grateful that I grew up swimming in a lake of pure love. Not indulgence or sympathy or favoritism or the milk of human kindness. Love. The real thing. And I realize now that it’s the Presence of God in my life, and I’ve since learned how many others have struggled to adulthood without it. That is surely my greatest gift. Not my talents, or my excellent health, or my “good joss,” but the certainty of always knowing I am deeply loved, and it enables me to touch the Heart of Christ—if I remember to pay attention. If I relax, avoid the panic, and float in that vast life-giving ocean—an inner and outer home that’s always been there and always will be.

Various & Sundry, part twenty-nine

Thursday, December 8th, 2005

— At tonight’s local GOP Christmas reception, several Republican heavy hitters put on a full-court press, trying to convince me to run for public office in 2006. It’s nice to know I’m on the short list, but the timing couldn’t be worse.

— While we’re on the subject of politics, I was happy to learn that Seth was elected Governor for the 2006 session of the Kentucky Youth Assembly (YMCA). Couldn’t have happened to a better man. Congratulations!

— I surprised myself at the pool today, coming within a second of my 50-yard PR. I haven’t even been practicing my sprints lately, so I don’t know what to make of it.

— Just had to hit the chuck wagon for second helpings, watching the “Firefly” pilot again to catch things I missed on the first viewing. I realize now that I was totally hooked by the time Kaylee got shot and willingly chomped down hard on the barb when I saw Zoe with her “mare’s leg.” I guess Joss Whedon has my number, and Brendan was the first to know it!

— Although I’ve never included John Lennon on my list of personal heroes, when I look back on his art, cultural innovations, and powerful position as a generational role model, I have to consider that he probably had a more profound influence on my life than I’d care to admit. 25 years?

Bruce is dealing with some post-op pain, but says he’s feeling better every day. They took out the “rubber band drain” in his back, another good indication of progress. I hope he improves enough to be settled back in his home by Christmas.

V & S

The Manifesto

Saturday, December 3rd, 2005

Someday I’ll have to detail the story of how Dana and Pam, exasperated by the red tape and bureaucratic idiocy of the Medicaid system, decided to pick up the phone and call the Governor of Indiana. Long story short—his office cut through the nonsense and Bruce got the help he needed. My take on it was, “This is how government should work when government doesn’t work.”

Not long after that happened, I read George Will’s column about Mitch Daniels and the possibility that what he’s doing with Indiana state government is the wave of the future in the political world. I suddenly had this consuming desire to reassess my role as a Kentucky Commissioner—to develop a comprehensive vision and philosophical position with respect to my advocacy of bicycle and pedestrian issues. If I don’t have a coherent stance in support of non-motorized infrastructure enhancements, I run the risk of coming off as just another pork-barrel Republican or free-spending Democrat. I have to be able to articulate the advantages of increased exercise as a disease-reducing activity worthy of public investment versus the unchecked explosion of costs to maintain the Medicare/Medicaid entitlement promised to aging baby-boomers.

The way I see it, we have a window of opportunity to be proactive. If we don’t address the current and future demand side of the equation, we’ll never be able to handle the supply side commitments without screwing our combined standard of living and quality of life in America. We’ve concocted a scheme to overwhelm a health-care system that’s already too expensive (read my log entry from Thursday).

I’ve got to make sense of this. Maybe it could become a Clan project!

• Uncle Jerome could summarize the latest empirical evidence on exercise.

• Caitlan could investigate the macro-economic cost/benefit relationships.

• Brendan could explore how to communicate the practical aspects of alternative transportation.

• Ian could reinforce it all with an easy-to-digest philosophical paradigm that would fit on a 10th Planet T-shirt!

Relax, Uncle John… You’re really getting carried away this time.

Onward and upward

Wednesday, November 23rd, 2005

I was successful in getting some publicity for the cause—thanks to Liz—but with everything going on with Bruce, it’s hard to get very excited about it today. Seeing KK’s cheerful face with her English friend warms me.

The exigency of excellencies

Tuesday, November 15th, 2005

• First excellency — Bruce gets released from the hospital today. Let’s hope and pray that it sticks this time. Dana has responded with another trip to Indianapolis. What a mom!

• Second excellency — I got a called from Liz the Advocate-Messenger reporter, and she wants to meet with me soon to discuss the issues and concerns I raised at the open meeting last week. This could be taking shape nicely—after sensitizing elected officials, work with the media to boost public awareness.

• Third excellency — During a long conversation with Dr. Williams about his brand identities and our ongoing professional relationship, he assigned to me an extraordinarily good design project—create a new image for Burkmann’s premium equine nutrition that will stand toe-to-toe with any other product in the competitive environment.

Not a bad day.

Tales of the Graybeard Prospector III

Thursday, November 10th, 2005

•   Attended a joint meeting of Fiscal Court magistrates plus the elected officials of all three cities in Boyle County—Danville, Perryville, and Junction City. In my capacity as a member of the Kentucky Bicycle and Bikeway Commission (KBBC), I advocated for a strengthening of language that deals with bicycling and pedestrian concerns within the Goals and Objectives for the new five-year Comprehensive Plan.

They ended up overwhelmingly passing a minor amendment to the transportation section. More important was the opportunity to raise public awareness of the need to take into consideration the interests of walkers and cyclists when planning and building transportation infrastructure, in keeping with relatively new state and federal policies that promote the benefits associated with traveling by bike or on foot.

I don’t know if these activities I take on as a result of being appointed by the Governor will enhance my separate effort to generate new projects for the studio, but if public policy leadership in one area convinces someone that I could be a good resource for image promotion or communications planning in another area… well, so be it.

In the words of the “Baddest Pirate,”   :: Outa my way, I’m comin’ on board! :

Tuesday, August 16th, 2005

The notice of my appointment to the Commission hit the local paper yesterday, and I’ve received a few warm expressions of congratulations from friends, some valuable, heartfelt advice from my brother James, and a hearty “welcome aboard” from the only other Republican on the panel.

My first meeting is tomorrow morning.

All I can say is… :::::::::::::::::::: W O W :::::::::::::::::::

Saturday, July 30th, 2005

Commonwealth of Kentucky
Ernie Fletcher, Governor

To all to Whom These Presents Shall Come, Greeting: Know Ye That


having been duly appointed is hereby commissioned as a

Member of the

and shall serve for a term expiring October 20, 2008