“Zelensky made it clear during his disastrous visit to the White House last Friday that he’s dead-set on fighting until the last Ukrainian, unless his country either gets NATO membership or Western troops. Neither of those demands is acceptable to Trump since they’d risk World War III, but so too could that risk continue rising if the conflict doesn’t soon end. Trump therefore realized that the only way to force Zelensky to the peace table with Putin is to freeze all military aid until he moderates his extreme stance.”
— Andrew Korybko
Archive for the ‘Personalities’ Category
Tuesday, March 4th, 2025
Monday, February 3rd, 2025
“The ancien régime just hates it when Trump talks like that. The aspersions cast upon his political opponents, the braggadocio, the typographic bravado — it’s just not the way official Washington is supposed to sound. Not, that was, until January 20. Expect a lot more where that came from. I for one, am deeply grateful for it.”
— Roger Kimball
Thursday, August 1st, 2024
“Three years ago, other dissidents and I told the public that Covid-19 likely originated in a lab leak. Public health officials, led by Dr. Anthony Fauci, said that our concerns were unscientific, that they were ‘misinformation’ and ‘conspiracy theories.’ Now, Congress, the mainstream media, and those same public health officials have cast doubt on Dr. Fauci’s actions, saying not only that he was wrong, but that he deliberately misled the public.”
— Robert F Kennedy Jr
Sunday, July 14th, 2024
“We are seeing how, in broad daylight, it is not actually Joe Biden making the decisions and calling the shots — whether it be related to economic or foreign policy — it’s the Tony Blinkens and the Jake Sullivans and the Hillary Clintons and Lloyd Austins who are making these decisions, which should be troubling to every American because we didn’t vote for any of those people …. a huge problem for us as Americans to have someone in that position who is incapable of fulfilling that responsibility. He should not be in that position, but we also shouldn’t be under any kind of illusion that, should he be forced out or choose to leave, that anything will be different with a President Kamala Harris or anyone else that they choose to fill that position. The Deep State — the military industrial complex — they will continue calling the shots. They only care about power. They don’t care whose face, whose picture is hanging on the wall.”
— Tulsi Gabbard
Saturday, August 12th, 2023
“We know that for most healthy people, Omicron is nothing more than a cold and for the young is usually a very mild cold and often asymptomatic. To use a gene-therapy-technology-based vaccine with a high-risk profile and uncharacterized long-term effects against a mild variant is the height of scientific ignorance and arrogance. It is time to stop.”
— Robert W Malone MD MS, Lies My Gov’t Told Me: And the Better Future Coming (Children’s Health Defense)
Monday, July 10th, 2023
“It is a controversial issue. It shouldn’t be. We should be just naturally wanting to save our children but again there’s those out there that want to exploit them….Can we love God’s children more than we fear evil? That’s the challenge here and Americans are up to it and I love it. They hear the sound of freedom because God’s children are no longer for sale.”
— Jim Caviezel, 7/6/23
Wednesday, June 21st, 2023
“I immediately recognized all of the same tactics that have been deployed against me so often over the last three years. The superficial regurgitating of approved narrative, unwillingness to address the actual issues raised, and of course the ‘liberal’ substitution of ad hominem attacks for actual reporting and analysis. This is all driven by the classical fifth generation warfare/PsyOps/propaganda playbook. Have they no shame?”
— Robert W Malone MD, 6/20/23
Thursday, September 22nd, 2022
“It’s not a stretch to say much of, if not most of, mainstream media has become conduits for shoddy propaganda … all intended to do two things, distract people from the real issues and serve as a bludgeon against anybody who dares to draw the attention back to them.”
— Royce White, 9/18/22
A ‘happy happy’ re-post from 2014
Saturday, September 3rd, 2022“The shoe that fits one person pinches another;
there is no recipe for living that suits all cases.”
— Carl Jung
The distinctive singularity of an individual has been a profound feature of my awareness throughout life. Undoubtedly, it is the basis for much of what I have enjoyed doing most — from solving visual problems for unique entrepreneurs, or creating my own brand of illustrated portraits, and, of course, hand-crafting greeting cards with collage miniatures. I shall never tire of assembling a spontaneous composition with suitable ingredients to honor a particular person. Each collage, like every human being, is a one-of-a-kind creation, and the medium is ideal for personalized expressions. The artist has a remarkable opportunity to interpret the peculiar constellation of personality traits, proclivities, and associations that befit a fellow mortal. To put it simply: I love it!
Dwindling Nest
collage miniature by J A Dixon
collection of J Hellyer
March Ex(clusion) — seventeenth day
Thursday, March 17th, 2022“Some of us, like me, are addicted to truth, logic, and commonsense. We make those who’d rather turn away from the blazing fire of truth uncomfortable. So be it. Are you standing up for what you believe in on a daily basis? Are you looking evil in the eye and refusing to back down when it rears it’s ugly head? Are you a conduit of good? Are you in the asset column or the liability column for your loved ones and community? Do you protect or do you need protecting? Are you a warrior or a victim?”
– Ted Nugent
I spent almost five hours in a chair, wrestling paragraphs about my collage artwork into a first draft for Dana’s able editing. I don’t know what the publishers of Contemporary Collage Magazine are expecting, but I’ll be submitting a profile of myself as a landscape artist (and then we’ll go from there).
Today’s sight bite— A split-second flash of brilliant crimson, —c-l-i-c-k— as the male cardinal flees a nearly finished nest in my topiary yew.
March Ex(clusion) — twelfth day
Saturday, March 12th, 2022“Enlightened statesmen will not always be at the helm.”
– James Madison, Federalist Papers
It’s getting more difficult to navigate a course of balanced influences, now that everything is so charged with persuasion, hyper-slant, duplicitous rhetoric, or outright psychological manipulation. I’m reading the Pulitzer-Prize-winning book by Thomas E. Ricks about the educational context of four key Framers (not inaccurately sized up as a somewhat revisionist take on how literary writings of the classical world shaped the men who invented the American Republic). I’m monitoring the daily editorial media of populist partisans, as well as alternative analysis (from Tyler Durden to Jimmy Dore). I skim the top stories put out by the Corporate Media. I partake of regular Peterson and Rogan doses. I follow The Marginalian. I watched Oliver Stone’s informative documentary called Ukraine on Fire. Trying to avoid becoming part of somebody’s self-serving agenda can feel like a full-time job!
Today’s sight bite— n o n e
March Ex(clusion) — sixth day
Sunday, March 6th, 2022“Thank God there’s no justice in this world.”
— Tim Considine, on the undeserved richness of his career
Nearly anything that promises forward progress requires a period of rest, and this is clearly a recovery day. Got a few things done outside before the rain blew in. Chipping away at a new miniature keeps an element of intuition in play, but no major advancements have taken place in the studio so far this month. Dana and I cleaned the living space and the corresponding boost in “vibration” is always a welcome result. A wave of well-being marks another Sunday here at the Town House, and I’m feeling especially thankful.
Today’s sight bite— Bricks and broken rubble strewn along a flat ditch, —c-l-i-c-k— as my project to extend a paved walkway out to the birdbath resumes for 2022.
March Ex(clusion) — fourth day
Friday, March 4th, 2022“Many called former U.S. president Barack Obama the ‘greatest gun salesman in America’ due to his support of strict gun control measures. Similarly, I believe Justin Trudeau will be remembered as the greatest Bitcoin salesman in Canadian history.”
– Frank Holmes
I don’t know what I’d be thinking today, with the dismantling of my CHANGE OF SEEN exhibition, if much of the artwork was not on its way to a new venue, thanks to Kate S of Arts Connect. My first all-collage landscape show is over, and I have much more for which to be grateful than any justification for critique. Beyond multiple deficiencies in the venue, I am enormously thankful to have been offered entrée to the Lexington art scene. Meanwhile, the war against Ukraine continues, with no ceasefire on the horizon. Yes, he is “Vladimir the Terrible,” but that is no reason to escalate a conflict that could bring catastrophic harm to the American people, far out of proportion to our interests in Eurasia. Too many are needlessly playing with a fire that could burn millions. Shouldn’t our leaders be brokering a peace, instead of throwing around gasoline?
Today’s sight bite— Driving along Clays Mill to check out my favorite chinkapin oak, —c-l-i-c-k— as grand a spectacle in the nude as he is with a full set of leafy clothes.
March Ex(clusion) — second day
Thursday, March 3rd, 2022“After witnessing the extreme bias of mainstream media in covering the Canadian convoy over the past month, Children’s Health Defense decided to step in to offer people a truthful accounting of the progress of The People’s Convoy here in the United States.”
– Mary Holland
This entire annual winter project started as a time-oriented experiment, and I mustn’t forget that, nor the importance of the clock in boosting diligence. Circumstances cannot be the only driver. I made more progress on the backyard path. Not sure why that effort has taken an early front seat, but the mild weather is an undeniable catalyst. It’s good to have a daily reminder of concrete accomplishment, like last year’s miniature-each-day ritual. The evening closed with the Wayne White profile, Beauty is Embarrassing. His story makes me feel a bit lazy and unimaginative. Just the prompt I need to pick up the pace tomorrow!
Today’s sight bite— An obstreperous crow on the library window ledge, —c-l-i-c-k— validating or rebuking my belief in the augury of birds.
Monday, August 9th, 2021
“When something is important enough to you, you do it. So obviously if I haven’t done it, it’s because maybe it wasn’t all that important to me. The secret to happiness, of course, is not getting what you want; it’s wanting what you get.”
— Alex Trebek, via Rabbi Hyman Schachtel
Tuesday, June 8th, 2021
“Science enhances the moral value of life, because it furthers a love of truth and reverence — love of truth displaying itself in the constant endeavor to arrive at a more exact knowledge of the world of mind and matter around us, and reverence, because every advance in knowledge brings us face to face with the mystery of our own being.”
Wednesday, May 26th, 2021
“Americans should increasingly question the role of the Federal Reserve and its impact on society. It’s not normal, nor should it be, that the economy keeps running from bust to bust to bust and requires ever more debt and intervention to ‘save it’ from the fall out of the asset bubbles the Fed has propagated time and time again. ”
— Sven Henrich, NorthmanTrader.com
Friday, April 16th, 2021
4/13/21 — “Nothing matters inside of a bubble until it does. The phrase new paradigm is becoming ever more prevalent to justify prices and the tape. Truth be told, there is no new paradigm except this one: More artificial liquidity than ever and more debt spending than ever and as a result people chasing stocks into higher valuations than ever. That’s it. There is no mystery.”
4/15/21 — “People are engaging in investing behavior that would be severely punished in any other time in history, but, because they aren’t, the belief becomes self fulfilling. This is the environment the Fed has unleashed with its reckless insistence to keep printing. What crisis? We are looking at big recovery growth everywhere. Stimulus is flooding through the system. The virus is getting under control with vaccines that are rolled out aggressively. Consumers are flush with cash and ready to spend.”
— Sven Henrich, NorthmanTrader.com
Tuesday, January 19th, 2021
“Now, as I leave the White House, I have been reflecting on the dangers that threaten the priceless inheritance we all share. The greatest danger we face is a loss of confidence in ourselves, a loss of confidence in our national greatness. No nation can long thrive that loses faith in its own values, history, and heroes, for these are the very sources of our unity and our vitality. At the center of this heritage is also a robust belief in free expression, free speech, and open debate. Only if we forget who we are and how we got here could we ever allow political censorship and blacklisting to take place in America. Shutting down free and open debate violates our core values and most enduring traditions. In America, we don’t insist on absolute conformity or enforce rigid orthodoxy and punitive speech codes. We just don’t do that. America is not a timid nation of tame souls who need to be sheltered and protected from those with whom we disagree.”
— Donald J Trump, Farewell Address
Friday, January 8th, 2021
“What China actually is (and where the USA is headed or has already arrived) is a form of oligarchic fascism. The capitalist market’s fine as long as it’s my capitalistic market and you’re a member of my party. Communist Party, Democratic Party, what difference does it make? As long as it’s one party and we’re in charge.”
— Roger L Simon, The Epoch Times