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A bit over halfway into Paul Watkin’s Archangel, the author has his crafted vessel of suspense filled to the brim. I have the strong sense that he’s about to spill it—like a container of ball bearings on a marble floor.

Unlike the other novels that I’ve read, which he weaves on a loom of first-person style, this story circulates through a number of carefully developed characters in an almost cinematic manner. I understand that some of his “fans” haven’t liked this book. It certainly lacks his usual touch of dry humor, and the ending always affects any reader’s opinion, so we’ll see what happens. If they weren’t prepared for the intensity, I can’t imagine they’ve read much Watkins. A full book devoted to his streak of dark adventure is really no surprise to me, especially when the subject is environmental terrorism.

Anyway, I’ve enjoyed “casting” it along the way . . .

Adam Gabriel— John Cusack

Madeleine Cody— Ashley Judd

Marcus Dodge— Aaron Eckhart

Noah Mackenzie— Chris Cooper

Alicia Mackenzie— Joan Allen

Coltrane— Matt Dillon

Ungaro— Ed Harris

Shelby— Matt Lanter

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