Category: Writing

Adkins’s Second Law

No artistic medium is inherently more or less capable than any other of communicating an idea, stirring emotions, or provoking thought.

Corollary: All media are artistic media.

Fixed my about page. It’s sleek and powerful now, like a lion, or a submarine.

I have not fixed my “blogroll,” which is ridiculously long and makes the page scroll forever. I only found out it was a “blogroll” the other day. I just thought it was a list of peeps I read.

I had a busy afternoon. First, I’ve written a few stories for, which is as neat as anticipated. I’ve got a couple more in progress, but you know what would be really neat? If you tried one too.

Second, I promised to post about it a long time ago and never did, but there’s a new theme coming up at BlogNomic–it’s still in process, but it would seem that Damanor and I have taken over the world. I’ve been playing since January with only a couple of breaks, and the game remains fun. If you’re interested in getting in at the beginning of whatever happens next, I recommend joining now.

Update 1646 hrs: I should add that Damanor and I may not end up winning, but either way there’s a new Dynasty coming, since the old Emperor has quit. (That’s what I meant by “in process.” I just don’t want to appear overly cheeky.)

This morning, there was a kid two floors down screaming about helicopters for a good solid hour. Also, there were a bunch of helicopters. It was that kind of morning.

(Note: the preceding paragraph exists only to make sure that on April 24th, 2005, the first “Today in History” entry won’t be so obviously referencing the second one.)

A year ago, apparently, I was gasping with horror that I’d left the same cam pic up for a week; now I’m noticing that it’s practically May and I’ve only taken like ten all year. I don’t think I’m all that short on ideas; it’s just that since I no longer have to hit the NFD front page to make sure an entry has posted right, I hardly ever see it and ergo don’t get sick of it. This is really an advantage–remember, NewsBruiser Makes Everything Better–but I don’t want to let all my content feeds get neglected. I need to take more. Anybody want a plastic mullet portrait?

I really need to get around to what I’ve been planning to do since fall 2002, which is put up a navigable IdiotCam© archive and, while I’m at it, enable time-lapse cam posts into the future. I might as well hack together an RSS feed while I’m at it. Yet another project for the summer.

Hey, this is the first time I’ve posted every day of the week since December. I want a cookie.

Oh, and Dreamhost sent out an announcement last night saying that the downtime / slowdown was caused by a DDOS attack. I guess I believe them, but I don’t understand why NFD shows up while the front page completely refuses to load. Did they somehow break PHP?

Grr. I like the fact that I have an insanely cheap deal with Dreamhost, but apparently the site’s been really slow lately, and until about ten minutes ago it was completely dead. If it doesn’t stay up, my apologies. If it looks like the downtime is enough for me to consider switching hosts, you can check my LJ for updates. Bleagh.

I should thank Aleeezon for very kindly putting me up this weekend, post-bacchanal. Will’s wedding was nice. Nobody fell down. And now back to the sweet, simple work that is failing my classes.

For some reason (most likely NewsBruiser’s ping of, NFD got listed at Sensing an opportunity for aggrandizement, I helpfully updated the listing, placing myself correctly in the elite category of XBOX/YANNI. Now I’ll just sit back and watch the hits pour in!

Hey, heads up. In case you syndicate NFD via its RSS feed, you should be aware that the feed address has changed (as linked right there). But then, of course, if you do read this thing only by syndication, you… won’t ever get this message. Um.

A lot of addresses have changed, actually, including the permalink format, but Leonard somehow managed not to break backward compatibility with old links. So they’ll still work, and the original NFD Lite permalinks (which redirect to the original NB permalinks) will still work, but the whole situation is just getting increasingly meta. One of these days the whole thing’s gonna go critical. Metacritical!