Category: Metablogging

Let’s see if LJ picks it up this time

Don't blog on me blog, verb / To noisily and simultaneously void one’s spleen, stomach, bladder and bowels.

In case you can’t read the text on the second one (which would be the back), it’s the Devil’s Dictionary 2.0 definition of “blog,” so of course this would be pending Mr. Knauss’s approval.

Seriously, if I got a couple dozen of these printed up, would anybody else be into it? I know my bitter, self-mocking iconoclasm is somewhat uncommon within my circle of readers, but there is a time and place for the ironic acknowledgement of one’s own participation in an overhyped and crass medium of expression. Like, say, concerts.

Whoops. I don’t think anybody saw that, but if your RSS aggregator did happen to grab it in those fifteen minutes, I apologize for yanking it back out of sight. Send me an email telling me who it was about and I’ll give you a consolation prize.

Everybody else: don’t worry about it. Nothing to see here!

Apparently the Xorphorum is dead. This doesn’t mean a great deal to me, as I haven’t read or posted there in months. I know how to fix the problem, but since email and the LJ feed comment threads pretty much fulfill my desire for discussion of my work, I don’t have any real motivation to do so–except for the thriving Acid Zen Wonder Paint fan community which has grown there. It would be pretty callous of me to leave them homeless.

So I’m probably going to delete all the fora but that one and turn over ownership of the whole kit to Stephen. I’d be happy to host the AZWP forum in perpetuity, but it’d make more sense (and give Stephen more control) if it were hosted under his domain. Then again, moving the forum would mean starting it over from scratch–user accounts, posts, everything. Hmm.

Stephen, what do you think?

And I pretend I don’t care about having an audience

The NFD LJ feed and the Anacrusis LJ feed each have exactly 32 subscribers. Of those, 23 of the NFD subscribers are on my LJ friends list, whereas 12 of the Anacrusis subscribers are. Only 10 people on said friends list subscribe to both.

Interesting, but probably only to me.

I would like to have similar statistics for the regular RSS feeds, but of course there’s no big site organizing and tracking who hits those. Does anybody know a way to parse Apache log files and see who’s hitting a given location? My current (weak) webstats software won’t do it.

Hi, Mom. I finally put up a permanent link to Anacrusis on the right side of the page (I think you are now the only person who reads the NFD front page, actually). That’s the place where I do the stories that you haven’t read yet. I promise there is not very much cursing in them, usually.

For the rest of you who read both notebooks, I should take this opportunity to state that while I endorse certain political ideologies, Anacrusis does not–except that, universally, it should be difficult for one human to kill another.

Oddly, today is the third anniversary of NFD. I still like this thing, although its relevance to my life is decreasing; Anacrusis is a better place to go if you’re interested in the text I output.

Really should update the IdiotCam, though.

As of today, links in this notebook will no longer open in new windows–a longstanding policy, useful for me when I relied on Internet Explorer, pointless now that I use Firefox. Fare thee well, target="_blank".

The Interweb journals ostensibly written by the characters of Achewood are funny, but I think it’s odd that half the humor in them relies on the fact that they don’t read each other’s blogs.