Category: Brenna Barnes

Day 2: Birmingham

Let’s out with it: in a blatant bid to grab some of that hot, sexy Starslip traffic, I am taking my new Jinxlet, Hugner, with me on the road across America. Now instead of trying awkwardly to take pictures of myself in different places, I can take pictures of the stuffed animal instead! No one has ever thought of this before.

Hugner passenging.

Hugner was delivered to Louisville, so I don’t have any pictures of him from Day 0 (Winston-Salem), but there he is the passenging position which was once my purview on Day 1. Pretty cute, right! Except after that I had to stuff him in the back so I could put my giant backpack where he is.

The next two pictures are going to seem similar, but only until I explain that Hugner has a clever defense mechanism that makes all dogs think he is a chew toy. I’m… I’m not sure how the defense works. Up top he’s with the famous Brenna, and on the bottom he’s with my friend Taylor’s dog, Lizzie.

Hugner and Brenna.

Hugner and Lizzie.

Once the trip is over I’ll put together a Flickr gallery of these, but even by tomorrow we should have a VERY SPECIAL Hugner road trip update! It’s a surprise, but I will say this: the next stop on our trip involves his home planet.

Of Texas.


The animal turned one year old on Tuesday; there was a party with cake and everything, which I got to attend via webcam. We live in the future.

Wednesday night (or Thursday morning) I was too exhausted to write another story for the Anacrusis queue, so Maria wrote one for me. You probably cannot guess what it is about.

Once there was the puppiest chomper in all the land. She woke up in
her chompy bed scratching her chompy head. Today was an especially chompy day.

She climbed into all the windows and looked out. She took all the
socks from the hamper and hid them. She sniffed.

Something was off.

The chomper followed Person to the car. They went adventuring!
Person bought a large box.

They got home. All of the chomper’s friends sang songs to her and
gave her stuff and there was a cake with her name on it!

It was the chompiest. She went to sleep.

Brenna is concerned about the cake.

As seen camwise, the dog has ceased to destroy my copies of Halo 2 (I bought the one with the aluminum case) and occupies most of her days now staring out the window. Eventually she will evolve wings, and yea, the people will learn fear of the Hawkpuppy of Broadway.

My family was pirates again! Brenna had to go to the hospital! But she’s okay! My embarrassingly bare portfolio site went live! Ben wrote another LJ-feed story!

Mario and Tessa sit at the machine.

“What do you think these knobs do?” Tessa asks. Mario responds in the most natural manner possible.

The machine will hum. Tessa will say “Wait, did you hear that?”

Mario will nod. “Yeah. It’s tensokinetic, all right.” He’ll twist another knob.

The machine will have hummed. Mario will have said “Now that’s just weird. Let me try and find another tense.”

Tessa will have said “Yeah, I don’t think we want to get much more esoteric than this.” Mario will have spun another knob…

But the past tense setting [error: tense not found] broken!

This message brought to you by the dog, investigating my keyboard:

ikmjk k l,v .x [‘

hyyg7findPosX(<%=("pageImg_"+repId)%>)+xoffset mnxzsas .002


;l 0

A little disturbed that she managed to hit CTRL-V at some point. Also, is that last part a winking dog smiley? Or is she calling me fat?

My first day working from home (yesterday) went really well! Except I left Brenna unattended too long, and she ate Halo 2.

Today was the first time I tried my new anti-tendonitis workout plan: swimming at the Y! I never had time to do this when I had to commute, but now I can get up at a reasonable time, swim, shower, eat breakfast and still be ready to work by 8:30. I swam 16 lengths. I don’t think that is very many! Then I kind of wanted to throw up for a while. That’s how you know your workout was good.

Massive Flickr update, actually not that massive, it’s 85 pictures, but those are culled from like a thousand. Includes graduations, weddings, Mayan Gypsy parties, and what I know you’re really here for, which is pictures of the dog.

I discovered a few minutes ago that I have not only a big black splinter in the heel of my hand, but a hell of broken nail on that hand’s ring finger. My hand was in no such condition when I went to bed last night. What exactly am I doing in my sleep?

I know I haven’t written anything in here in like ten weeks; I have been saving up the biggest thing for the day when it actually happens. Meanwhile, Maria bought a red car, we ate at the Mayan Gypsy three times in a week, Ian touched down like a spinning stone, and Brenna will never trust us again.

La Pieta Brenna

La Pieta Brenna in full.

Look, Brenna, I’m glad we’ve given you a solid foundation in the classics. Clearly your sense of composition is shaping up nicely, and if you want to pick up some influence from Michelangelo, that’s fine.

But let’s face it, your choice of subject matter is a little trite, and your gestalt here…

Darling, it fairly smacks of kitsch.

The face of La Pieta Brenna.


The doggy is a sleepy.

Eight weeks, eight pounds, German Shepherd mix, a black fuzzball with feet bigger than mine. Welcome to Tuesday Night Basketball, Brenna.