In my entry of December 6, you may recall that I briefly considered joining the ranks of email newsletter writers like my vaunted friends, and then: I didn’t do that. I did look into the available tools for integrating some kind of subscription-by-email service to this blog! But I could not find any that work the way I had imagined, where you just put an address in a form and then the thingy sends you a nicely formatted message containing the body of the post each time I write something new. Once again the dead technology of RSS remains too advanced for our modern world to comprehend.
But hey, maybe you don’t like RSS and you do like emails! If so then we don’t need an entire tech startup to intermediate that. You can just write me and I will add you to a very simple mailing list, albeit not so simple that it lacks a confirmation step. Thereafter I will send you an email when I write something new. You can tell I’m serious about this because I’m adding it to the blog sidebar too. Happy 2025! Email will outlive us all!