This morning, there was a kid two floors down screaming about helicopters for a good solid hour. Also, there were a bunch of helicopters. It was that kind of morning.

(Note: the preceding paragraph exists only to make sure that on April 24th, 2005, the first “Today in History” entry won’t be so obviously referencing the second one.)

A year ago, apparently, I was gasping with horror that I’d left the same cam pic up for a week; now I’m noticing that it’s practically May and I’ve only taken like ten all year. I don’t think I’m all that short on ideas; it’s just that since I no longer have to hit the NFD front page to make sure an entry has posted right, I hardly ever see it and ergo don’t get sick of it. This is really an advantage–remember, NewsBruiser Makes Everything Better–but I don’t want to let all my content feeds get neglected. I need to take more. Anybody want a plastic mullet portrait?

I really need to get around to what I’ve been planning to do since fall 2002, which is put up a navigable IdiotCam© archive and, while I’m at it, enable time-lapse cam posts into the future. I might as well hack together an RSS feed while I’m at it. Yet another project for the summer.