Archive for the ‘Holidays’ Category

Friday, November 29th, 2024

Mindful of small pleasures,
Gave thanks for life’s treasures.


Thankful Ode (to Merz)
holiday collage by J A Dixon
13 x 15 inches
available for purchase

A happy 80th to Kathy!

Wednesday, November 27th, 2024

“Say thank you in advance for what is already yours.”
— Denzel Washington

As the holiday nears, gratitude is in the hearts of all who silently look inside and attune, especially those with circumstances in flux between sweetness and sorrow — for those of us less tempted to take things for granted — as a tide of adversity and bounty reminds us that thankfulness must be present in the midst of both suffering and grace.



A long practice of making crafted cards for others, the wellspring of my concentration on the art of collage, occasionally sparks an unexpected commission based, more often than not, on the traditional photo montage. These works may not be destined for a museum, but the response makes them a most rewarding experience, as I participate vicariously in an apex of family joy. The type of “legacy collage” featured below is an ideal gift because it is highly meaningful to the recipient, of course, but everyone also relates to the inherent “cut and paste” technique, accessible to all, with its deep heritage in the domestic and applied arts.

Bouquet of Memories
legacy collage by J A Dixon
11 x 14 inches

Gloria in excelsis Deo!

Monday, December 25th, 2023

Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 31st, 2022

Sparkle Someone Else ~ collage miniature by J A Dixon ~ a salute to the 70th birthday of Burton Cummings

Sparkle Someone Else
collage miniature by J A Dixon
7 x 8.25 inches

a salute to the 75th birthday of Burton Cummings

and He was born for thee . . .

Sunday, December 25th, 2022

Beyond the trappings of any birthday,
each of us was born to serve a purpose.

Makin’ Christmas collage again!

Friday, December 23rd, 2022


A new display rack for the Holiday Market . . .

Thursday, November 24th, 2022

The “Holiday Market” at Art Center of the Bluegrass is in full swing! Fourteen of my collage miniatures are available and priced for gift giving. I enjoyed designing and making a new rack to display collage art from a few pieces of fine walnut that were kicking around in our box of scrap wood (for what seems like forever).

Happy Thanksgiving to everybody!



Friday, December 24th, 2021

Holiday therapy, aesthetic exercise, creative ritual, intuitive workout, craft drill, thematic meditation — call it whatever we want. It’s that season to make and send tree miniatures to those we treasure.

Have a Merry-Merry, everybody!

Four Tree Miniatures for Christmas
collage greeting cards by J A Dixon

Happy Turkey Day!

Thursday, November 25th, 2021

The national symbol of the eagle is so iconic I often forget that Benjamin Franklin was opposed to its adoption and favored the turkey. (Some things need no further elaboration.)

If You Turkeys Can Keep It
collage catharsis by J A Dixon
8 x 10 inches
available for purchase

The surreal meaning of Christmas

Friday, December 25th, 2020


Natal Homage
collage greeting by J A Dixon
private collection

a ‘Mother’s Day / Collage Day’ weekend

Sunday, May 10th, 2020

“And if my own children
  should come to a day,
When a new Mother comes
  and the old goes away,
I’d ask of them nothing
  that I didn’t do.
Love both of your Mothers
  as both have loved you.”
— Joann Snow Duncanson

Happy Happy to all the mothers on their day of honor!

The two 10x10s I posted yesterday on Instagram are my salute to World Collage Day, an international event contrived to celebrate and boost participation in the medium. The ingredients were generously sent to me by members of the Arizona Collage Collective. Using elements not personally selected was a rewarding exercise — an opportunity to better understand the distinction between my process of spontaneous composition and choosing qualities in the subject matter itself. For those who enjoy seeing my newest work, follow “thecollageminiaturist” at Instagram, too.

When You’re Going through Hell
collage on structured panel by J A Dixon
10 x 10 x 1.5 inches, unframed
available for purchase


When the Going Gets Tough
collage on structured panel by J A Dixon
10 x 10 x 1.5 inches, unframed
available for purchase