Because I see many more interesting web pages through my RSS reader than I want to dump into my ostensibly personal blog, a sneaky thing I have done for the past while is smuggle them out through my employer’s official newsletter instead. It comes out once a week, on Friday afternoons, and has a numbered list of about seven links with a couple sentences each attached to them. My name isn’t on the masthead, but we have an internal chat channel where anyone can suggest things, and by “anyone” I mean “75% of the time it’s just Brendan again.” The newsletter is obviously a marketing tool, but our marketing team (Olivia) is very dear and lets me get away with a lot. If you type the word think, and then the word shout, and then add a dot com and hit enter, you will be able to scroll down to the bottom of your browser tab and enter a throwaway email address if you’d like to read it.
While I am recommending weekly newsletters, my long-long-longtime friend Erin has recently launched her own endeavor as The Old Shoebox, and she is so, so good at it. I’d say Erin was born for the medium, but of course that’s not true, she was forged for the medium in the fires of many a shared doc. Between her newsletter and Sophie’s, I am tempted to reactivate my own long-dormant email blaster in an attempt to form a Rogers Park Magmatron.
But the words “long-dormant” above do not exactly hint at success for my component of the robot in question, so maybe I will just recommend joining me in curiosity about izzzzi. I have been a member of it for exactly one day and I already have great respect for its creators’ choice to directly oppose the dark patterns of nearly all social networks. I’m signed up as brendn, and if you would like to email me your username so we can be mutuals, maybe you’ll find out whether I go dormant there or not.